“Diagnostic and Treatment Center” Project

Проект медицинского учреждения создания лечебно-диагностического центра кардиохирургии в г. Ульяновске разработан в 2014 году.

Общая площадь всех зданий и помещений кардиоцентра составляет 3 200 м2. Проектом предусмотрено создание 4 операционных, стационарного отделения на 20 коек, 16 поликлинических кабинетов, собственной лаборатории и диагностического отделения в составе оборудования МРТ, КТ, УЗИ, рентгена, маммографа и функциональной диагностики.

Нами оказаны следующие услуги Заказчику - подготовлен бизнес-план прокта, медицинское проектирование и концепция клиники, проведено финансово-экономическое обоснование проекта и подготовлен инвестиционный меморандум для привлечения банковского финансирования.

Общая величина инвестиций в проект составила 470 млн. рублей, включая инвестиции в САРЕХ проекта 430 млн. рублей и в ОРЕХ проекта 40 млн. рублей (формирование оборотного капитала и убытки первых периодов проекта).

При этом величина чистой приведенной стоимости проекта с учетом терминальной ценности оценивается в 40 млн. рублей при внутренней норме доходности 19% и сроке окупаемости проекта 7 лет.

Выручка проекта после выхода на операционную эффективность, ориентировочно 4 года, оценивается в 350 млн. рублей при EBITDA Margin проекта в 40% (здание в собственности).

Another projects

M&A deal, “Academicheskaya” clinic
City – Volgograd
Floor area – 2000 m2


Managing the SOVA group of companies
City – Saratov, Volgograd, Voronezh
Floor area – 12000 m2


City - Kirov

Implementation of "Light" group of companies top managers motivation system 

Pre-investment analysis of regional medical asset

City – Moscow

Floor area – 800 m2

Investment memorandum issue

City – Moscow

Floor area – 8000 m2

Construction of the business plan, development of the medical concept, financial feasibility study of the project

City – Kaliningrad

Floor area – 45 800 m2

Financial modeling of investment project

City - Kirov

Project of market value assessment for "Light" group of companies

How long does it take to construct a business plan and develop a medical conception?
Usually this stage takes from 2 weeks to 1,5 months. At this stage it is necessary to establish all resources to provide highly-efficient resource utilization. Also we are to answer the most important questions – what building do we have at the moment or what building do we have to construct, how to efficiently supply it with medical equipment, what are the community needs of an area or a city residents, why should we construct precisely this clinic, what equipment are we to provide, and how expensive will the project be and when will it pay off.
Does the price depend on a floor area?
Capital expenses directly depend on the floor area of the clinic being constructed. Cost of installation and construction work is directly correlated to a floor area, while capital expenses for medical equipment supply do not directly depend on a floor area and is mostly correlated with the medical conception of a project and medical services provided.
Do you provide “turnkey” design and construction
Turnkey approach proves to be more appropriate in terms of time and resources saving. We provide overall management of a project from the very beginning till the very end. All the processes smoothly follow or range with each other- from the development of a medical conception to issuance of working documentation and completion of installation and construction exactly according to developed project. Project administration is always highly centralized, that allows us to guarantee high accountability of a project.
Do you provide medical equipment supply?
On a Customer's request, we provide supply, search and selection of any medical equipment. Our team is very experienced in the area of equipment supply– starting from simple medical equipment (such as defibrillators), to modern hi-tech equipment (such as MRI and CT scanners and even linear accelerators).
In what cities are you able to run projects?
We are capable of managing and constructing a medical clinic in any Russian city. Moreover our team is qualified to run several projects in different Russian cities at the same time.

2nd Smolenskii pereulok, 1/4, Moscow, 121099, Russia

Office Number
+7 (499) 504-43-77


Office hours 
Monday - Friday 09:00 - 19:00